About: Virus
Microscope: Round ball with lots of spikes.
What can it do: Herpes simplex virus attacks the nervous system and can create mild to severe symptoms. The virus travels along the nerves and creates outbreaks including blisters, pain, tingling and other symptoms. Herpes stays in the body after the first exposure and can create outbreaks at any time when the virus is stimulated in some way. There are 2 main strains of Herpes HSV-1 and HSV-2. Each one is responsible for causing symptoms in specific areas of the body. HSV-1 causes oral symptoms and HSV-2 causes genital symptoms. In rare cases a mother can pass herpes to her child during birth. This is known as neo-natal herpes simplex virus. If herpes passes to the eye, it can cause inflammation, and discharge in a condition called Keratitis.
Help: Herpes responds to anti-viral medications and treatment depends on the severity of the case and any complications.
Infectious rating: Herpes is extremely infectious and is passed from person to person by skin to skin contact. The blisters that form, burst and release a fluid which is also contagious when it comes into contact with another area of skin.
I feel sick: Because Herpes Simplex attacks the nervous system, it can cause a variety of signs and symptoms. Depending on which part of the body is affected the symptoms can start with a tingling or stinging sensation, for example on the side of the mouth or lips. This is caused by the virus travelling up the nerves until it reaches the skin and then erupts into small blisters. Herpes can also cause redness and sore areas on the skin. If it is the first episode of herpes, symptoms can be more severe and include fever, muscle pains, swollen lymph nodes and headaches, tiredness and loss of appetite. Over time and during further episodes, herpes symptoms may be much less severe.
Rest of the body
Herpes can affect the immune system. It can also damage the brain if the virus results in encephalitis.
Herpes is a worldwide virus and is not restricted by geography. As this virus is transmitted by person to person contact, any person carrying the virus who is in contact during an outbreak can pass the virus to another.